On Propositions Pertaining to the Riemann Hypothesis

Pathikrit Basu *

20128 White Cloud Circle, West Linn, Oregon, USA.

*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.


In this paper, we establish some methods and propositions that allows a study of the Riemann Hypothesis. The main idea is to divide a sum (finite or infinite), so that the two parts are not equivalent in some sense and hence lead to a non-zero point. Particularly so, we suggest methods to establish how different sub-regions (subsets) may correspond to non-zeroes.

Keywords: Riemann hypothesis, riemann's zeta-function, prime number

How to Cite

Basu, Pathikrit. 2023. “On Propositions Pertaining to the Riemann Hypothesis”. Asian Journal of Probability and Statistics 21 (2):16-21. https://doi.org/10.9734/ajpas/2023/v21i2459.