On Propositions Pertaining to the Riemann Hypothesis II

Pathikrit Basu *

20128 White Cloud Circle, West Linn, Oregon, USA.

*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.


Aims/Objectives: In this paper, we define certain classes of non-zeroes of the Riemann zeta function. We also present associated algorithms for finding these non-zeroes, which can enable corresponding computations. Some theoretical connections are also drawn with mixed integer programming and continuous Diophantine approximation. We also study, for points in the domain of the Riemann zeta function, their induced distributions over the unit circle.

Keywords: Probability measures over the unit circle, Riemann hypothesis, Riemann zeta function, complex variables, complex functions

How to Cite

Basu, Pathikrit. 2023. “On Propositions Pertaining to the Riemann Hypothesis II”. Asian Journal of Probability and Statistics 25 (2):63-74. https://doi.org/10.9734/ajpas/2023/v25i2553.